
No Sexes, lot's of anxiety!!

Well, I haven't updated since I seen my OB last Thursday (2/05). My appt went good. Blood pressure was good, cervix was good, but I had lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks, so I have only had like a 3-4 pound weight gain since I became pregnant. He told me not to worry to much, just to keep drinking plenty of water. I am finally going to go see the high risk perinatologist on the 26th of this month & that is when I will have another sonogram (since my last one @ 14 weeks), so I hope to find out the baby's sexes then. (Keep your fingers crossed!) So, that is the gist of it, still no bed rest, and I go back to see the OB on the 19th so we will see what he says then. I am 17 weeks & 5 days today. But, today (being a nurse working in the hospital & having friends in "high places") I got to go see one of the sono techs & we checked to see if we could see the baby's sexes. They just did not want to cooperate today. Baby A & Baby B were to busy kicking @ each other & turning every which way but the way we wanted them to & Baby C was just in 'her' own little world. Baby C is the one we came closest to seeing 'in that area', & we think it is a girl, just not definate yet. So I am stuck waiting until the 26th. :(
Bradyn had his surgery to get his tubes put in on Monday & he did good. He wasn't even in the OR for longer than 15 minutes. But, he is having some MAJOR anxiety issues with mommy & daddy leaving the room. I don't know if it is because he left us to go to the OR & woke up in a whole different world where mommy & daddy wasn't there right away or what, but ever since we went home after his surgery, he screams if me or Justin is not in the room. He is OK with just one of us in the room, but if both of us leave, then he goes crazy. And bedtime is a whole nother story. We have his routine down: bath, jammies, kiss mommy, he turns off his light, kisses daddy, then daddy lays him down in his crib. Ever since Monday night, once we leave the room, he stands up in his crib & screams until one of us comes back. He won't go to sleep unless he lays in the bed with one of us & falls asleep or he just flat wears himself out to where we can put him in his bed. He has never ever slept in the bed with us since he came home. I don't know if it was just that traumatizing to him or what. But, he never started acting like this until Monday after his surgery. So, I am hoping this will eventually pass.
Well, that's about it for us! I will update again when I go see the doc next week!
Until then,
Take Care!!

1 comment:

  1. Great news on the babies! I bet there will surely be one little girl in the mix! :) I wouldn't worry too much about the weight loss...I always lost weight with all of my pregnancies..including the twins. I don't mean 1 or 2 lbs either...it was always a LOT lost and never any gained. I always ended up weighing less after I had them then before I got pregnant. That was ALWAYS nice. :)

    Poor Bradyn. :( I bet that was a little scary for him...but the good thing is, God lets us not remember those scary things after a while (as babies I mean). So I think he will eventually forget that it ever happened. I hope so anyway..bless his little heart!

    Keep us posted on the babies! I will be looking forward to the next update!

    Until then, much love to you all!
